Thursday, January 30, 2014

The U.S. roadmap to Income Inequality and how it will end.

The pursuit of economic growth and inflation has always been part of the practice in achieving 'Income Inequality'. It was an idea conceived long ago when the U.S. Government enacted The Federal Reserve Act of 1913-The easiest way to make money is to 'make money'. 100 years later we now see the plan coming into fruition, and they sure are reaping what they sow.

For those hoping for better days, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It will be a train wrecking calamity. The following will occur in months to come:

1. Corporate profits will decline dramatically. There's a point where the lower and middle class will run out of money to support this charade.

2. Stock markets will fall accordingly from missed expectations and lower guidance.

3. Bankruptcy filings will appear in droves.

4. Government will react by saving Too-Big-To-Fail with bail-ins and bail-outs using whatever wealth that the lower and middle class still has.

5. Violence erupts in the masses. Worse case scenario is war.

There are no 'happily ever after' in this scenario as long our government continues to support the practices we have today.

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